Common Problems with Irrigation Systems
Properly functioning irrigation systems are the key to keeping the lawn green, lush, and healthy year-round. They make caring for and maintaining the lawn easy, convenient, and highly efficient. However, irrigation systems are not immune to developing issues, as they have mechanical parts that wear out or break down over time due to regular use or exposure to harsh weather elements.
Faulty or broken irrigation systems can result in water wastage and higher energy costs. Any problem with the irrigation system requires attention as soon as possible. Here are a few common irrigation system problems one should be familiar with for early identification and to avoid high repair or replacement costs:
Leaks near the zone valves or sprinkler heads can translate to high water bills if left unchecked. Water leaking from one or more zones can be due to improper installation, valve blockage, or defective valve diaphragm. If the water is leaking from the sprinkler head, a damaged sprinkler head, wear and tear, incorrect installation, or faulty equipment are the likely culprits.
Clogged sprinkler heads
A fairly common issue with irrigation systems is a clogged sprinkler head. Due to this, water fails to flow consistently, stops entirely, or the head does not rise. The buildup of dirt, sand, and debris in the sprinkler head filter can lead to clogs and other issues. Contact a professional if rinsing the filter does not resolve the issue.
Buzzing pump
A loud and buzzing irrigation system pump needs immediate attention. A faulty relay (a magnetic switch responsible for activating the system) or insufficient voltage is usually the cause. Contact an irrigation system repair company as soon as possible if the irrigation system makes buzzing noises during operation.
Poor water pressure
Too high or too low water pressure is another common problem that people experience with irrigation systems. While high water pressure results in mist instead of a spray, low water pressure will fail to provide the lawn with the necessary coverage. Water pressure issues in irrigation systems are generally attributed to system clogs or blockages, broken or damaged pipes, or malfunctioning hardware.
Issues with sprinkler zone
All lawn areas can get the right amount of water only when each zone of the sprinkler runs correctly. Issues with the distribution zone can cause a particular lawn patch to turn brown. Problems with the valve, leak, faulty controller, and poor wiring connection, are the few reasons behind the issue.
Broken spray head
Damaged sprinkler heads, whether a small crack or extensive damage, waste a lot of water. This damage leads to water pooling around the sprinkler head and not reaching the desired lawn areas. A lawn mower or vehicles driving over the spray head can cause them to break. The only way to fix this is to replace the spray head with the same make and model.
Non-functioning sprinkler controller
A sprinkler controller is a vital component of an irrigation system. If the sprinkler system fails to operate in the automatic mode, refuses to turn in the manual mode, or does not keep time, there is an issue with the controller that needs attention.
Safeguard the irrigation system
If one experiences these problems, get in touch with an irrigation system repair professional. They will quickly inspect and fix the issue to keep the system performing at its best.
With over 10 years of experience in the Peoria, Arizona, area, HS Irrigation and Landscape Lighting offers sprinkler system installation, sprinkler repair, service, and maintenance, sprinkler system design, drip irrigation and PVC drip systems, landscape lighting, and commercial irrigation and lighting solutions. Feel free to call us at 623 292 5478.